Intercessary Prayer

Nov 05, 2008 01:00 PM EST

Read: Luke 11:9-13

Ask, and it will be given you. (v. 9)

She was a middle-aged woman rethinking her priorities after losing her elderly mother. I conducted the funeral for her mother, who was a woman of faith. The mother had loved her large family and was esteemed by her children and her numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. After the funeral the daughter came to me and said, "I know that Mother prayed for each of us every day. Her prayers blessed us all. I feel God is prompting me to take up that ministry. I want to follow my mother's example and pray for each member of our family daily."

Perhaps you also have felt called to the ministry of intercession. I have a long list of people I bring before God each day. I believe that we are invited to be partners in God's work through intercessory prayer.

As a parent I want to give generously to my children. Jesus said the heavenly Father is like that. As we ask, God will grant the greatest gift of all, the Holy Spirit. In intercessory prayer we join in the present work of Christ, who is always interceding for us (see Romans 8:34). With Christ we bring our concerns to the God who will always give what is best.

Prayer: Father, we pray for our loved ones. Let them richly know your love. Amen.

Used with Permission