Chinese Hip-Hop Artist MC Jin Au-Yeung Testifies of Life in Christ

Apr 20, 2010 03:08 PM EDT

Over 3,000 people in Hong Kong gathered and fasted for 30 hours in order to raise funds for the poor in the world’s impoverished areas, to experience what it feels like to be in hunger, and to show their commitment to make a change in this world.

From April 17-18, 30-Hour Famine, hosted by World Vision HK, was held at the Aberdeen Sports Ground, and special guests including MC Jin (Au Yeung-jin) and former paparazzi that turned Christian Au Kin-leung each gave their life testimonies, according to World Vision Hong Kong.

Au Kin-leung shared how he used to do whatever it takes to photograph the private lives of celebrities and about his past drug addiction; however, his friend led him to Christ, which completely changed his life, and he was able to get rid of the bad habits by through reliance on God. He is now a devout Christian and actively shares the gospel.

As the first Asian solo rapper to be signed to a major record label in United States, MC Jin (Au Yeung-jin) said that he has known Christ through the summer Bible-study classes at his church at a younger age, but didn’t setup an intimate relationship with God until adulthood. He encouraged the participants of the 30-Hour Famine to always rely on God, for it they do then they will gain wisdom and ability to face the different challenges in life.

To deeply instill the spirit of the event for the participants, the committee had the

participants together built a “Wall of Hope” towards the end of 30-hour-fast. Upon completion, this wall built with 4,000 balloons stood 10 feet tall and 30 feet wide. In addition, they each wrote down their wishes on a slip and inserted them into the balloon, showing their efforts to bring hope and happiness to the starving children.

Hong Kong World Vision CEO Kevin Chiu said that he was touched seeing the unfading passion of the participants and the unity that was revealed through the 30 hours of fasting.

He hoped that this will be an unforgettable experience for the participants of 30-Hour Famine, which will become a source of strength for them to help others in the future and pass on the spirit of this program.

Initiated in 1984, 30-Hour Famine has had over 100,000 participants and has raise over $2.3 billion HKD in the last 27 years. This year’s fundraising goal is $15 million HKD, which will be donated towards the emergency food relief and development projects in Bangladesh, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, and Sierra Leone as well as the earthquake reliefs and reconstruction of Haiti.