War For The Planet Of The Apes Game Set For Console Debut

Oct 10, 2016 04:11 PM EDT

The graphical ability of consoles these days have evolved to such a degree that we might actually feel as though we are playing a movie, or could it be said that we are watching a game? It really depends on your perspective, and the wanton use of CGI in movies these days have also helped blur the lines between the two. Motion capture technology has come a long way, and we get realistic looking animals rendered by the computer to be alongside human actors and actresses, delivering a make believe world on the silver screen. The War for the Planet of the Apes is an upcoming movie that will also have its own video game released alongside like any modern day potential blockbuster worth its salt would. You can check out a teaser for the War for the Planet of the Apes below.

The game itself has been described to feel like an interactive movie, at least according to actor Andy Serkis at a New York Comic-Con panel. In the video game, he will be performing the role of motion capture, which is something that he has become famous for ever since he made waves with Gollum in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Do expect the game for the War for the Planet of the Apes to arrive on consoles (we are looking at the Sony PS4 and Xbox One here, with the Nintendo Wii U probably missing out on the equation) at approximately a similar time as the movie.

Other than that, Andy managed to keep his lips sealed at the panel and did not give away anything else of interest to the bunch of reporters and journalists. He did share information that consoles will be getting the game, saying, "I don't think it's ever been done before. We created it at the Imaginarium, which is my studio. Without giving too much away about it, it's not like a first-person shooter. It feels like an interactive movie. And that's all I can say other than that it will be coming out around the same time as the movie. It's a companion piece, it's not based on the characters from this movie."

That would mean that anything about the game would not divulge too much detail for the movie, and vice versa. The game itself should follow with a post apocalyptic environment where man has more or less returned to the dark ages without modern amenities, and cities would certainly be in ruins after the apes’ first awakening.

Serkis is also an old hand when it comes to video games, having worked alongside DmC Devil May Cry developer Ninja Theory on motion capture, not to mention contributing to voice work in Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. He will also feature in the upcoming space video game known as Star Citizen.

Well, with War for the Planet of the Apes set to be released in theaters next summer -- on July 14, 2017, to be exact, other luminaries joining him would include Judy Greer from Ant-Man, Woody Harrelson of Zombieland fame and Steve Zahn who was in Dallas Buyers Club.