24 Christian Bookstores Join Biggest Chinese Book Exhibition in SE Asia

The first ever and biggest Chinese book exhibition in Southeast Asia sees a strong Christian presence, showing a good sign of evangelism through literatures to the huge Chinese population in the regio

The first ever and biggest Chinese book exhibition in Southeast Asia sees a strong Christian presence, showing a good sign of evangelism through literatures to the huge Chinese population in the region.

On March 10-19, "BookFest @Singapore" will take place in Hall 4-5A at the Singapore Expo, featuring leading publishers from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. As the fair showcase Asia's best and latest collection of Chinese titles, some 24 Chinese Christian publishers in Hong Kong have prepared a "Christian Square" to promote Christian literatures, according to the Hong Kong-based Association of Christian Publishers.

"In the recent years, Singapore and Malaysia governments have been actively promoting Chinese language education. When the overall reading ability of citizens improves, the use of Chinese language will become more popular," stated ACP. "Singapore and Malaysia will become the fourth biggest Chinese book market following China, Hong Kong and Taiwan."

According to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), over 23 percent of the 23.9 million-strong population in Malaysia is Chinese while in Singapore, the Chinese population reaches 77 percent of the total 4.4-million citizens.

In the view to "promote Christian culture among the community" and to "spread the truth and serve the church through literature with the assistance of multimedia," Association of Christian Publishers develops Christian market both in China and other countries strategically.

The "Christian Square" at the Singapore book exhibition this time displays a wide range of Christian products such as Bibles, Bible tools, spiritual books, Sunday School resources, children’s books, movies and CDs as well as gifts. The theme of the "Christian Square" is "Love" written in Chinese character with the subtitle "reading about the life of love."

As the exhibition coincides with the first semester school holidays in Singapore, many students and young people will be attracted to the event and it is expected to be a very good opportunity to share the Gospel with both Christians and non-Christians.

The 24 Christian exhibitors are some of the leading companies in Hong Kong, including Breakthrough, Hong Kong Bible Society, Logos Publishers, Amazing Grace Books Limited, The Media Evangelism Limited, Hong Kong Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Christian Communication Inc., Tien Dao Christian Media Association, Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry and others.

Association of Christian Publishers has also made similar "Christian Square" last July at Hong Kong Annual Book Exhibition and at the Taipei International Book Exhibition in February. Both occasions are proved to be very successful. Three months after the Singapore’s exhibition this time, the fair will move to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.