LOUISVILLE - The Presbyterian Historical Society's 25th annual Seminar on Local Church History will take place May 5-9, 2003, at the Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina.
The seminar is designed for persons interested in the collection, preservation and writing of Presbyterian history, particularly at the local church level.
The event will include workshops on writing, researching and publishing a history, as well as a special two-day workshop designed especially for Presbyterian Women historians. Other workshops will focus on preservation of church records and library books, disaster preparedness, oral history, exhibiting church treasures, new digital technologies, photograph preservation and a host of ideas for celebrating a congregation's anniversary.
For more information about the Seminar on Local Church History, contact Diana Ruby-Sanderson by mail at Presbyterian Historical Society, P.O. Box 849, Montreat, NC 28757; by phone at 828-669-7061; or by email at dsanderson@history.pcusa.org.
By Jerry L. Van Marter