40 Days Purpose Driven Model Getting Popular among Chinese Churches in America

It has proved to be very fruitful after one month; a number of Chinese churches have already adopted the model.

As Pastor Rick Warren’s "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" healthy church model is highly recommended by churches worldwide, it is now getting popular among Chinese churches in America, according to the Christian Communications Inc. of USA.

The Christian Communications Inc. of USA has launched "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" campaign in New York since July. It has proved to be very fruitful after one month; a number of Chinese churches have already adopted the model.

"More and more churches in New York are going to sign up the campaign," the Director of the Christian Communications Inc. of USA Ms. Chan told the Gospel Post. She added that most of the churches take time for decision making and preparation before formally operating the "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" model, but the model has already been set on the schedule for the next few months or next year.

The Christian Communications Inc. of USA emphasized that Pastor Rick Warren’s "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" model has to be extended to the close cooperation of the entire church in order to fully experience the power of revival.

According to the model, Worship, Ministry, Evangelism, Fellowship and Discipleship are the five conclusive purposes given by God to His people and His church.

Staring from the very basic "personal" level, the "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" campaign of the Christian Communications Inc. of USA does not simply encourage the congregation to read Pastor Rick Warren’s world bestseller "40 Days Purpose Driven Life". In addition, the Christian Communications Inc. of USA suggested the churches to start bible study groups or fellowship to teach the "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" concept more deeply.

For the entire congregation, the five purposes are advised to be preached through the Sunday sermons.

The Christian Communications Inc. of USA is the official agency for the "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" materials. The Christian Communications Inc. of USA has prepared a set of resources for any Chinese churches in America who has enrolled for the campaign.

As many of the Chinese churches in America are comparatively small in scale, Christian Communications Inc. of USA has made an agreement with Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church in California to support the Chinese churches with a scholarship program. All the Chinese churches are now able to receive the full set of "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" resources with the registration fee of $100, rather than the original price of $500.

Currently, over 20 Chinese churches in America and Canada have already adopted the Purpose Driven model. Next month, the Christian Communications Inc. of USA is going to launch promotion campaign in New Jersey.

The Director of the Christian Communications Inc. of USA Ms. Chan told the Gospel Post, the organization aims to introduce the "40 Days Purpose Driven Life" campaign to all Chinese churches in America, so that they can also experience the same astonishing church growth as the Saddleback Church. The next station after New Jersey will be San Jose, California.