7th CCCOWE Conference: Spreading the Holistic Gospel of Christ to All Nations

Two hundred years ago, Robert Morrison set foot in Macau, and first brought the gospel to Chinese. Two hundred years later, the 7th Chinese Churches of World Evangelism will be hosted in Macau from Ju

Two hundred years ago, Robert Morrison first set foot in Macau and brought the gospel to the Chinese. Two hundred years later, the 7th Chinese Coordination Center of World Evangelism will be hosted in Macau from July 17th till 21st, celebrating the 30th anniversary since it first convened in 1976.

As stated in the CCCOWE website, the theme of this congress is "Spreading the Holistic Gospel of Christ to All Nations", which over 2,500 Chinese church leaders will participate to "rethink the evangelistic mandate of the Lord." The keynote speakers are Dr. Philemon Choi, honorary general secretary of "Breakthrough", Dr. Philip Jensen, founder of Ministry Training Strategy (MTS), and Rev. Rick Warren, often called "America's most influential spiritual leader."

The 7th CCCOWE conference will place a strong emphasis on the "coherence of congress programs." For the morning session, the main topic is titled "The Holistic Gospel of Christ", and the four daily themes of 7th CCCOWE or subtopics are "Renewal of Life," "Renewal of society," "Renewal of Culture," and "Renewal of All Nations", which will address, using the bible, how holistic gospel brings about renewal.

With the main topic, "Renewal of Church", The Edification-cum-Revival meeting held in the evening shall address the relationship between main topic and four daily themes. Messages will be preached through sermons, and testimonies pertaining to main topic and subtopics will be given. The four daily themes will be examined from the perspective of theology, missiology, and church history, as well as from other professional points of view. Also, regional discussions, co-ordinating ministry seminars, and workshops will focus on the main theme.

Christians, pastoral workers, mission workers, and theological educators, of diverse regions, ages, cultures, and backgrounds, will share and exchange their ideas. The speakers include James Ong, Eugene Hor, Hay-chun Maak, Morley Lee, Cyrus Lam, Chi-ping Lin, John Kao, James Cheung, Wing-tai Leung, In-sing Leung, Albert Ting, Huai-chen Peng, Milton Wan, Agnes Lau, Philemon Choi, and Timothy Wu.

A brief elucidation on the theme of 7th CCCOWE conference states, "The 21st century is an era featuring disconnected souls, clash of civilizations and confusion of truth. Following the lead of the Holy Spirit, we have to rethink in the light of the bible the significance of the holistic gospel of Christ to the Chinese Church, so that we could renew our understanding of the mission of the church."