7th CCOWE Registration almost Reaches the 2,500 Target

Around two months away from the 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE), it is announced that the registration has almost reached the 2,500 target.

Around two months away from the 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE), it is announced that the registration has almost reached the 2,500 target.

According to the latest newsletter from the 7th CCOWE date May 11, the preparation work of the high-profile event is reported to be going well. Not only the target number of participants has nearly filled up, the post-congress program of "Explore Macau - where the gospel first reaches China" is already full. The registration of the Congress will be closed at the end of May as announced as projected by the current progress.

The 7th CCOWE venue was being relocated the Macau Forum adjacent to the original Macao Polytechnic Institute Complex, where there are better inner space and on-site facilities. As the Congress will start on July 17 evening, it is announced that the Macau government will invite all participants to Fisherman's Wharf for welcome dinner.

Rev. Chadwin Mak and Rev. Lam Yam-man from CCCOWE are leading the final preparation work in Macau.

Meanwhile, according to the newsletter, CCCOWE co-workers in Hong Kong are working on collecting sermon outlines, compiling Congress Handbook and meeting deadlines of certain publications.

CCCOWE calls on continuous prayers for the preparation work. And also, it asks for prayers for Rev. Morley Lee, the incoming CCCOWE General Secretary, and his wife Sophie, as they have been trying to settle down in Hong Kong since they arrived from the United States at the end of April. Rev. Lee has already started to confer with various leaders and prepared for his installation.

One of the highlights of the 7th CCOWE is the first ever parallel English Track. The vision cast by the English Task Force for CCOWE 2006 is to raise up a new generation of English-speaking leaders in the Chinese Church who will develop inter-generational partnerships to bring the gospel to the society and to the nations. Most of the participants of the English Track is expected to come from the United States.