A/G Nationwide Prayers Grow Sixteen-Fold

According to the Assemblies of God National Prayer Center’s 2003 statistical report as released on March 15, 2004, members call in 16 times more than they used to when the program began in 1994.

Ten years ago, the prayer center received 40,000 calls fro the year, but they now receive 54,000 calls per months – 643,389 calls for the year. The growth in prayer requests has caused a greater need for prayerful people.

According to the NPC Coordinator Madonna Paulson, even with the 250 satellite prayer centers now operational -- prayer centers located across the nation that help answer calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- only about 50 percent of the calls for prayer can be answered.

In addition to the satellite churches, there are now 444 churches and a few individuals being sent prayer requests to pray over, with about 45,000 intercessors in all. The A/G’s NPC however, calls for more.

"The prayer center's purpose is to visibly portray our Lord's desire that 'His house be a house of prayer' as written in Matthew 21:13," Paulson said, urging more members to pray. "Prayer must be the focal point of all we do with the National Prayer Center."

For more information about the National Prayer Center, to learn how to become involved or to request prayer please visit the NPC Website at http://prayer.ag.org or to request prayer, call 1-800-4-PRAYER.