A/G Pentecost Video - "Living with Power"

In preparation for the Pentecost, the largest Pentecostal denomination in the United States – the Assemblies of God – released a video to promote awareness of the day the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples.

"Pentecost is a process of our spiritual development, not just an event," said Gary Allen, A/G national coordinator for ministerial enrichment. "In the Assemblies of God, we endeavor to raise the awareness level of Pentecost Sunday to the level of Christmas and Easter." The reason, Allen says, is to realize the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of each individual.

Pentecost is celebrated every seventh Sunday after Easter. This year, the day of Pentecost fall on May 30.

"Pentecost Sunday is both about the fulfillment of our Lord's promise of the Spirit's power and every aspect of Christian life that is affected as a result," said Randy Hurst, commissioner on evangelism for the A/G. "And it is about the Spirit's empowerment of the church to be witnesses every day all year long."

The A/G video is a 21-day guide that “takes readers through the Book of Acts with supplements from the Epistles,” according to the A/G website. This year, the video follows the theme, “Living with Power.”

For more information on “Living with Power” or to order a copy of the video, please call 800-641-4310, or visit .