A Handicapped Doctor Proclaims the Gospel in Cambodia

Dr. Kendrick Kahler, despite his physical disability, preaches the Gospel among the Khmer and helps them with medical care.

"I get strength from the Bible that says 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,'" said Dr. Kahler.

He works in Cambodia with the knowledge that Jesus Christ will meet every need. Bound to a wheelchair, he as a full time Southern Baptist volunteer doctor, serves at the CSI clinic in Phnom Pen.

He cannot walk but his disability changed his interpretation of Christ's great commission.

"I feel that I'm safest when I'm following God's plan. His plan for me is in Cambodia. I learn its language and provide medical care to people," said Dr. Kahler.

Sometimes his disability brings much more endurance and courage when he goes out to the street and proclaim the Gospel of Christ to remote Cambodian villages.

However, mobil medical clinics give him an opportunity to share Christ with the largely un-evangelized Khmer people living in Cambodia's countryside. "In fact my ability made me to meet these people."

Even he teaches medical English classes to Cambodia's future doctors.

"God has been working in a mighty way. There are a tremendous hunger in people's heart. There are over 120 university students who come into our ministry and meet Christ."

Dr. Kahler added "I've seen over 5,000 people and I've had over 40 who've made professions of faith and are active churchgoers. Those are the ones who have gone on to propagate the Gospel even more."

"I know God has a great plan for this country. He'll use more workers for this mission. It's nice to be where God is at work and to join in that."

Despite his physical diability, he is doing what God is telling him to do in Cambodia. He says the reward has been a life of joyful fulfillment in the face of adversity.