Abu-Akel Chooses a Highly Diverse Group for Denver Assembly

LOUISVILLE - A former U.S. Senator. A world-renowned Orthodox leader. Pastors of Presbyterian churches large and small.

A highly diverse group of speakers has been chosen by the General Assembly moderator, the Rev. Fahed Abu-Akel, to lead worship services and other special events during the 215th General Assembly, scheduled for May 24-31 in Denver.

The lineup:

May 25, Opening Worship - the Rev. Fahed Abu-Akel, moderator of the 214th General Assembly

May 26, General Assembly Breakfast - retired U.S. Senator Paul Simon of Illinois, now director of the Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University

May 26, Evening Worship - the Rev. Amy Miracle, Central Presbyterian Church, Denver

May 27, Morning Worship - the Rev. Victor Pentz, Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta

May 28, Ecumenical Worship Service - His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cicilia, Armenian Apostolic Church (Orthodox) and Moderator of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches

May 29, Morning Worship - the Rev. Paul T. Eckel, founder of the Renewal Ministries Foundation, Sarasota, FL

May 30, Morning Worship - the Rev. Martha Sadongei, Central Presbyterian Church, Phoenix

May 31, Morning Worship - the Rev. Yohan Kim, Korean Community Presbyterian Church, Tucker, GA

By Albert H. Lee