ACS Technologies to Provide Future Development of NAMB Software

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention announced recently its alliance with ACS Technologies Group for the continued development of two reporting and pastoral management solutions for churches, associations, and conventions. As part of the alliance, ACS will assume responsibility for NAMB’s Associational Relationship Management System (ARMS), a prototype next generation online application, and Church Planter Management System (CPMS) software.

In announcing this alliance, Richard H. Harris, vice president of NAMB’s Church Planting Group, said, “From its initiation in 1997, the goal of providing and continually updating CPMS has been to make accessible a reliable, credible, and functional tool that pastors and church planters all across North America could use for assistance in the growing of their New Testament churches.”

The Church Planter Management System is a software program specifically designed to help church planters manage all of the crucial information generated over the course of running a new church. To date CPMS has helped launch over 10,000 churches .

“Seven revisions have gone into the software since its creation,” Harris stated, “with the most recent revision completed in May 2003. We have accomplished much, but want to ensure we can accomplish even more into tomorrow with the ever growing needs of church planters. ACS Technologies can help us do this!”

ACS Technologies has served churches for more than 25 years, and has worked with NAMB or the former Home Mission Board for more than 15 years in various capacities. Today, ACS Technologies serves more than 12,000 churches nationwide and works with many Southern Baptist state conventions and associations. By supplementing the ministry know-how and missionary resources of NAMB with the technology know-how and strong support and training services of ACS Technologies, NAMB will be able to build upon the successes of the Church Planter Management System.

“For many years we have admired the work of NAMB and since early 1998 we have placed significant value on the work they are doing to plant churches through the use of their CPMS and ARMS software,” said Hal Campbell, president and CEO of ACS Technologies. “They provide an exceptional service to new churches, a service that we will strive to build upon to yield even greater rewards for these growing congregations.”

Mike Carlisle, former chief technology officer at NAMB and currently vice president of its Strategic Communications Group, said, “With ACS Technologies we can take advantage of the power of the new technology and the Internet to help further connect planters with each other, with sponsors, associations, state conventions, and NAMB. By providing real time information, we’ll be able to more effectively train, equip, and deploy Christians in communicating the good news of Christ’s salvation.”

ACS Technologies began the day-to-day servicing of pastors and church planters using the CPMS and ARMS applications effective April 1, 2004. ACS will also be responsible for the software training of existing and new users.