Activist Group Discloses Public Homosexual Event at Disney

Christian Action Network persistently protests of homosexual event supported at the children's theme park Disney World in Orlando, FL.

Orlando, FL -- The Christian Action Network (CAN), a Christian activist group launches an effort to warn unsuspecting families coming to Orlando about the homosexual pride festival titled "Gay Days at Walt Disney World." The group is informing families, school groups, and others of what they can expect from the homosexual event long before they enter the so-called “Magic Kingdom.”

CAN plans to use presentation material such as literature, road signs, and even a mobile advertisement to let others know about the offensive and often X-rated events taking place at the Walt Disney World theme park during ‘Gay Days.’

According to CAN, the event is scheduled for June 3-6, 2004. The president Martin Mawyer comments that the campaign is "a victory for unsuspecting families who do not want their children exposed to homosexual nudity, fondling, groping, kissing, and sex acts." And, he adds, "it is a defeat for the Disney Company, which refuses to notify them."

Furthermore, it was noted that CAN has been actively asking amusement park officials in making effort to beware families of the exposing activities for six years. They were not successful until now that the theme park finally took action.

"Our warning program will definitely be more effective and sweeping than anything Disney would volunteer to do," CAN's president says. “In fact, he feels the information campaign is an even better solution than the company posting warning signs at the entrance of the park…”

"The strategy of Christian Action Network will warn these families long before they reach Disney entrance gates," Mawyer says, "and it will give thousands of families an opportunity to revise their plans in Orlando."