The MARCHA (Methodists Associated to Represent the Cause of Hispanic Americans) passed a resolution that approved the 2004 General conference and endorsed candidates for bishop in their annual meeting. Also, the caucus will ask the denomination's top assembly to continue support for the National Plan for Hispanic Ministry, the Methodist Church in Puerto Rico, the children of Latin America and CIEMAL, the coalition of Methodist churches in Central and South America and the Caribbean. The caucus in addition expressed support for the Native American community by adopting a statement against racially demeaning team names and mascots.
There are more than 150 people that participated in MARCHA's annual reunion; the theme this year was "A Renewed People; United and Committed." The opening worship was lead by Bishop Juan A. Vera Mindez of Puerto Rico and Rev. Edgar Avitia. At the banquet, the caucus members recognized several MARCHA founders for their leadership.
Endorsed candidates for bishop included the Rev. Aida I. Fernandez, superintendent, New England Annual (regional) Conference; the Rev. Phillip Ponce, superintendent, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference; the Rev. Ramon Evangelista, superintendent, Greater New Jersey Conference; the Rev. Liana Perez-Felix, Memphis Conference; and the Rev. Minerva G. Carcaqo, superintendent, Oregon-Idaho Conference. Bishops will be elected during the United Methodist Church's 2004 jurisdictional conferences.
New execute committee was selected as well. The committee includes the Rev. German Acevedo Delgado, receiving a second term as president; Ana-Haydee Urda, vice president; and the Rev. Rosita Mayorga, secretary. Ten others were elected to various committee positions. The new members will begin their two-year terms in January.
By Tony C.