Anti-Conversion Laws in India Worry Missionaries

India's various states continue to wrangle with the issue of anti-conversion laws. As the Hindu nationalist movement grows, Dayspring International's John Gilman shared this outlook on the subject. "It really is another way to restrict the 300-million Dalits or oppressed people from finding dignity and hope. As Christians, we're praying and believing that God will give us an open door to have freedom of religion in India so that the Gospel can be proclaimed." Since the Hindu-state issues have arisen, Gilman says their 'Dayasaga' film teams have seen more hostilities to all-Indian acted film on the life of Christ. However, he adds, that generally comes from villagers responding to rumor. "They may have heard that this is something that was trying to undermine and create social tension. Nothing is farther from the truth. As far as the Gospel is concerned, there's clear evidence that it blesses the people."

By Pauline J.