PHOENIX – Representatives for the Southern Baptist Convention’s Committee on Committees were appointed by the SBC president, Jack Graham, May 2. The appointees will serve during the June 17-18 annual SBC meeting in Phoenix. 70 members, two from each of the 35 state or regional conventions were appointed in accordance with the SBC Bylaw 19.
SBC Bylaw 19 says the Committee on Committees "shall nominate all special committees authorized during the sessions of the convention not otherwise provided for." The usual responsibility of the committee is to nominate members of the Committee on Nominations, which, in turn, nominates trustees to serve on the various national entities of the SBC.
Graham appointed Bryant Wright of Georgia as committee chairman.
ALABAMA -- Michael E. Shaw, Pelham First Baptist, Pelham; Murray Wilton, Southside Baptist, Huntsville.
ALASKA -- Scott Hart, North Tongass Baptist, Ward Cove; Bruce V. Rowell, First Baptist, Palmer.
ARIZONA -- David Carns, Sonrise Baptist Church and Whetstone Baptist Church, Sierra Vista; Mark R. McClellan, First Baptist, Phoenix.
ARKANSAS -- James H. Bledsoe, Grace Baptist, Rogers; Holly H. Elliff, The Summit, North Little Rock.
CALIFORNIA -- Lisa Kistler, Immanuel Baptist, Highland; Larry Wood, Valley Baptist, Bakersfield.
COLORADO -- Kevin King, Anchor Way Baptist, Steamboat Springs; Jennifer L. Zebel, Applewood Baptist, Wheat Ridge.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -- Michael Lawrence, Capitol Hills Baptist, Washington; Joseph Lyles, Fort Foote Baptist, Fort Foote, Md.
FLORIDA -- Mike Landry, Sarosota Baptist, Sarosota; David Rice, First Baptist, Pompano Beach.
GEORGIA -- Darrell Henry, Oakwood Baptist, Chickamanga; Bryant Wright (Chairman), Johnson's Ferry Baptist, Marietta.
HAWAII -- Pat Morales, Nuuanu Baptist, Honolulu; Dan VanAlstine, Mililani Baptist, Mililani.
ILLINOIS -- Steve Love, True Light, Zion; Ken Morgan, Alton First Southern, Alton.
INDIANA -- Dan Hall, Graceland Baptist, New Albany; Devin Hudson, Calvary Baptist, Madison.
KANSAS-NEBRASKA -- Ronald E. Niday, Riverview Baptist, Wichita, Kan.; Charlotte G. Scott, Calvary Baptist, Valley Penta, Kan.
KENTUCKY -- Kevin Cosby, St. Stephens Baptist, Louisville; Todd Linn, First Baptist, Henderson.
LOUISIANA -- Richard Landry, Trinity Baptist, Lake Charles; Rod H. Masteller, Summer Grove Baptist, Shreveport.
MARYLAND-DELAWARE -- Ken Fentress, Liberty Baptist, Lisbon, Md.; Gary Willett, Potomac Heights Baptist Church, Indian Head, Md.
MICHIGAN -- Kevin Ferrell, Charity Baptist, Big Rapides; Bill Taylor, First Baptist, Sanford.
MISSISSIPPI -- Walter E. Henderson, First Baptist, Brandon; Eric Thomas, First Baptist, Vicksburg.
MISSOURI -- Jeffrey D. Brown, Prince Avenue Baptist, Hannibal; Scott A. Carlson, First Baptist of Macon, Macon.
NEVADA -- Robert John Cornwell, First Baptist, Winnemucca; Jim Kruger, College Park Baptist, North Las Vegas.
NEW ENGLAND -- Rex O. Cozzens, Haverhill Community, Haverhill, Mass.; Sean P. Simonton, Freedom Baptist, Gaffstown, N.H.
NEW MEXICO -- Robert L. Ewing, First Baptist, Albuquerque; Robert Myers, DeNorte Baptist, Albuquerque.
NEW YORK -- Jim C. Arrant, Trinity Baptist, Schenectady; Richard R. Wilburn, Grace Baptist, Rome.
NORTH CAROLINA -- Ben Martin, Grace Baptist, Wilson; Travis C. Tobin, First Baptist, Garner.
NORTHWEST -- Scott E. Brewer, Meadowbrook Baptist, Redmond, Wash.; Tommy Sims, Cornerstone Baptist, Salem, Ore.
OHIO -- Greg F. Jackson, First Southern Baptist of Camden, Camden; Gregory A. Varndell, First Baptist, Sheffield.
OKLAHOMA -- Kevin D. McAfee, Bethany, Council Road, Bethany; Kandy D. Newton, First Baptist, Altus.
PENNSYLVANIA-SOUTH JERSEY -- John Cope, Keystone Community Fellowship, North Wales; Mary D. Gervais, Wrightstate Baptist, Peach Bottom.
SOUTH CAROLINA -- Brad Goodale, Philippi Baptist, Union; Shelby J. Moore, Glendale Baptist, Glendale.
TENNESSEE -- David E. Smith, Bellevue Baptist, Cordova; Jamison L. Work, Candies Creek Baptist, Georgetown.
TEXAS -- Richard Jones, Calvary Baptist, Longview; Jack Pogue, First Baptist, Dallas.
UTAH-IDAHO -- Robin Davies, Calvary Baptist, Boise, Idaho; Dixie Gray, Southeast Baptist, Salt Lake City, Utah.
VIRGINIA -- Michael A. Ray, Liberty Baptist, Hampton; Steven W. Smith, Salem Baptist, Richmond.
WEST VIRGINIA -- Tony E. Atkins, Cross Lanes Baptist, Cross Lanes; Cheryl D. Harper, Good Shepherd Baptist, Scott Depot.
WYOMING -- Russ E. Daines, Hilltop Baptist, Green River; Dan J. Grindstaff, Trinity Baptist, Laramie
By Pauline J.