Since the age of 16, Rebecca St. James has made her way across the globe sharing her strong testimony of faith with others through different areas of missions. As one of today’s most respected and loved international Christian music artist, Rebecca leaves a bold and influential mark on Christians with her stirring lyrics, transforming writings, dedication to world missions, and image of sincerity. Many amazing works have been achieved over the past 10 years of this 25-year old’s life, beginning at her native land Sydney, Australia. Unashamed of her faith in God, Rebecca carries the scripture in heart wherever she goes, revealing that heart before the world in her acceptance speech of her Grammy award.
“Rebecca's commitment to God and His Word have clearly been the central tenets of her music and ministry, and I think that's the main reason for her success and her popularity.” says Mark Morin of Campus Life magazine. “Sure, her music is hip and innovative, but it's her underlying commitment to Christ and her unabashed proclamation of God's love that primarily attract the listener.”
As missionary and musician, Rebecca St. James’s life and career reflects the ongoing growth and maturity of her faith. Three previous projects, “Rebecca St. James” from 1994, (God) from 1996, and “Pray” from 1998 opened wider doors. The song “Yes, I Believe in God” in 1999 touched the heart of many after the tragedy of the Columbine High School. And by 2000, the uniquely assembled album “Transform” brought forth her title as top Christian artist of the year.
For the youth, Rebecca is a great role model. The beautifully written song “Wait For Me,” addressed Rebecca’s commendable commitment to abstinence before marriage. She was named the “most influential woman in Christian music” on Also, in 2002, “Worship God” was released and CCM and Campus Life magazines and listeners of K-Love and Air1 radio networks named her Best Female Artist.
The project “Wait for Me: The Best from Rebecca St. James” encapsulates the powerfully innovative 25-year old artist. Even in the midst of glamour and fame, Rebecca remains humble and simply proclaims the gospel.