Asia Mission Report: India, China and Philippines

India -- Thousands of Dalits are expected to gather December 6th to reject Hinduism. This event is expected to be duplicated all over the country in the months ahead. International Needs Network's Ricky Gnanakan (yahna-kahn) says the Dalits represent the best opportunity to share the Gospel. "(That's) because, the Dalits are looking for release. They're looking to, sort of, come out of this caste structure, where they would have liberty and freedom to really grow, and they see that possibility in Christianity." However, Gnanakan says their rejection of Hinduism is angering many radical Hindus, presenting roadblocks for the Gospel. "Previously there was no problem for us to go in and visit people in the villages and say 'we would like to pray with you.' But, now, with all of the fundamentalist organizations on the rise, it's becoming more and more difficult for us to openly preach the Gospel."

China -- Evangelism Explosion is thanking God for the clinics they held recently in China. According to EE's Buddy Gaines they held six EE clinics this year where 126 clinicians were trained. He says at one clinic police came and seized the materials and equipment. At the police station they wanted to know where the materials came from and where the EE offices were located. Despite the trouble, EE is planning eight more clinics next year, with a goal to train church leaders in evangelism in all of China's provinces by 2008.

Philippines -- Short-term mission teams are needed to help Bible translation around the world, but not necessarily translating scripture. JAARS , which speeds Bible translation for Wycliffe Bible Translators and others, is sponsoring short-term mission trips to build houses and other like needs. JAARS' Nard Pugyao (poog-yow) says a team is building a house for a translator in the Philippines this week. "Building a house for her is one of the key things because she has a office. She can plug in her computer and she can have people come in there and help her in the language. So, it's one of the best things that could ever happen because sometimes you cannot find a place to live in these villages." Pugyao says they have plenty of opportunities all over the world which helps churches be more involved. "We have some in Honduras, in Africa, in Brazel. If people cannot come overseas they could go to Waxhaw, North Carolina, we have a lot of projects over there. What they do on the home front is also rippling overseas."

By Albert H. Lee