Audio Adrenaline Details 'Hands & Feet Project' in Haiti

"Basically, we're going to be starting an orphanage," states lead singer Mark Stuart, "to house about 100 kids. Instead of calling it an orphanage or setting it up like an institution, we're beginning to see the vision of starting little homes with Haitian parents. We want these kids to be adopted by church families. We want to give the orphans we find a loving Christian family, a chance to grow up in a Christian school and go to Church."

Hands & Feet is a non-profit organization dedicated to the health, welfare, and education of the orphaned children of Haiti. Based on the teachings of James 1:27 and the heart of the whole of Scripture, Hands & Feet is dedicated to the construction and operation of a children's village to provide for these needs.

Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. Nearly 50 percent of the population is under the age of 14 years, so the need for such a ministry is clear and evident. Voodoo has become the religion of dominant influence in Haiti, the orphaned children of lack a credible Christian witness in the family setting. With the help of God and the Christian community, this country can be changed.

This mission will be accomplished through the building and operation of family cottages, clustered on the campus of the Hands & Feet community. Each cottage will house six to eight orphans and will have a Haitian couple serving as foster parents. The outworking of these family units will be to provide for the family nurturing of a loving home, a viable Christian witness, attention to the medical needs of the children, and the proper education of each child. On-site administration of Hands & Feet will be under the leadership of Mr. & Mrs. Drex Stuart, parents of co-founder Mark Stuart, and lifetime missionaries who have previously served in Haiti.

Drex and Jo Stuart will be departing from USA on July 5th to start the process of building this ministry. AudioA appreciates the willingness of these amazing missionaries to go where the Lord has placed them. As an encouragement, we ask that you consider sending Rev. Drex and Mrs. Joanna a note to thank them for their contribution to God's Kingdom, or even just a note to let them know that they're in your prayers.

If you're interested in personally contacting them, they can be reached at:

Rev. & Mrs. Drex Stuart

c/o Audio Adrenaline

301 Mallory Station Road

Franklin, TN 37067

For further information, visit