Audio Scripture Ministries Reaches Out to Tribal Indians in Mexico

Audio Scripture Ministries says they were contacted by a missionary in Mexico who wanted to use their hand-wind tape players to reach the non-Spanish speaking Indian tribes in the mountains of Mexico with the Gospel. ASM's Tom Dudenhoffer says this project can encourage those whose faith is costly. "When someone trusts Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are often ostracized from their tribe. They've even been killed because of their profession of faith. So this is an area that is really full of spiritual warfare. We're asking God right now to use these portions of His Word as they go out among the Indians of the mountains of Mexico." Dudenhoffer says aside getting the radios to the people, there is the issue of who takes them, adding, that's a prayer concern. "Missionaries are not necessarily welcome in these areas. So, it has to be somebody that will be accepted by the people and will at least give them an opportunity to hear God's Word as it's provided. " Dudenhoffer hopes the distribution end of the project will be ready to begin this summer.

By Pauline J.