BeachFest Gathers Record Number of Attendants

The Luis Palau Evangelistic Association is reporting record numbers at their most recent BeachFest event in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. LPEA's Kevin Palau says, "We had 300,000 people there over the weekend, according to the police. So, that makes it, by far, the largest U-S festival we've ever done. It was absolutely amazing in every way. We had the most diverse crowd ethnically I've ever seen. Thousands and thousands of people responded to the Gospel." Palau believes the war in Iraq may have been key to the weekend's success. "The response and the responsiveness was partly because people are thinking about eternal issues, young people as well as older people. And so, God knows everything and all things work together for good, so I think what could have seemed like a distraction we feel was everything but that."

By Pauline J.