Bible League recently celebrated ten years of ministry in the country of Romania. Since the ministry began in Romania, nearly 400,000 Romanians have graduated from Project Philip Bible studies, an initiative based on the Acts 8 story of Philip and the Ethiopian.
“These have been years of openness and opportunity—years when God has done wonderful things,” wrote the Bible League Director of Ministry in Romania. Bible League has reported that ministry in Romania has not always been easy—Romanians are often resistant to accepting the Bible’s salvation plan. Many are deeply tied to religions based on rituals rather than a relationship with God. Others fear that accepting Christ will bring on physical and emotional endangerment.
This fear for persecution is not at all unwarranted, reported the Bible League. Christians have experienced extreme torment in the past—damage to personal property, refusal by religious leaders to bury loved ones, and death threats. Even school children have encountered beatings for participating in Bible studies.
In the midst of this, the Bible League says that God continues to reach the hearts of people of Romania. The Director of Ministry in Romania writes about a recent baptism ceremony in which he preached.
“It was something quite amazing,” he writes, “almost bringing us back to the times of the first century church. There were more than 300 people dressed in white and now waiting for their baptism. All ages, all occupations were there—brothers and sisters—all of them committing their lives to follow the Lord…More than 2,000 people attended. It required a group of 12 pastors to baptize all 300 people.”
In the months prior to the baptism, each person had completed Project Philip Bible studies. Now each graduate wanted to publicly confess faith in Jesus Christ. After the ceremony, they all received Bibles as a memento of their graduation and to remember the day of their baptism.
The Bible League reported that through God’s grace, it has experienced countless salvation miracles in Romania over the past ten years.