Bible Pathway Reaches to Arabic Faithfuls

A devotional radio program by Bible Pathway Ministries helps Arabic speaking believers gain faith. BPM, a ministry encouraging Bible reading around the world, sees many who are touched by the program. Karen Hawkins of BPM says, "In most of these countries there's no way there's going to be anyone to disciple them. And, as we show Christ on every page in the Old Testament and we tie the old an New Testament together. In many ways it's like a Bible school course, like a general survey course of the Bible and it provides a lot of information to people who couldn't get it otherwise." Hawkins notes the importance of remembering these believers. "They are under death threats from their own family if it's known that they are believers. So, pray for their safety. Pray for them to be strong and pray for them to witness even when they have to do it surreptitiously."

By Pauline C.