CCF Calls for 3,400 Criminal Counts Against SF Mayor

“Lockyer has the duty, not the option, to prosecute the mayor and his accomplices for their blatant violation of California marriage laws”

Sacramento, CA. – A pro-family group based in Sacramento called upon the Attorney General Bill Lockyer to charge San Francisco’s mayor with 3,400 criminal counts for illegally sanctioning homosexual “marriage” licenses in violation of ten state laws, during a news conference held at Sacramento, March 3.

“Lockyer has the duty, not the option, to prosecute the mayor and his accomplices for their blatant violation of California marriage laws. He should send in his investigators, who have the police power of the state, to take over the City Clerk’s office and immediately stop counterfeit certificates of marriage from being issued,” charged Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for California Families.

On March 2, the defiant mayor of New Paltz New York was charged with 19 counts of conducting gay “marriages” despite state laws that blatantly forbid such sanctions. The mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom “wed” more than 3,400 gay couples in California, where similar laws prohibit same-sex “marriages.

“Law enforcement officials in the State of New York apparently care more about their duty to enforce the law than California Attorney General Bill Lockyer does,” said Thomassson.

“Even though he personally supports homosexual ‘marriage,’ Lockyer should do his constitutional duty to stop and suppress this unlawful activity,” said Thomasson. “Lockyer should remember his oath of office to enforce the law, or else he may be recalled from office by angry voters. Why is a corrupt mayor in the State of New York charged, but the corrupt mayor in San Francisco gets no consequences for violating the law more than three thousand times? The Attorney General must enforce the law, not merely defend it.

Last week, Lockyer confessed that he believed the “marriages” were against the law. However, he added that he personally supports homosexual “marriage,” and that he would leave the issue up to the State court.

“The Attorney General must enforce the law and has immense power to stop these counterfeit marriages right now,” continued Thomasson.

“Lockyer doesn’t have to go to the Supreme Court. Instead of stalling and stammering and hiding behind judges, he must do his constitutional duty to enforce the law by apprehending and prosecuting lawbreakers and suppressing unlawful activity. That’s his job description in the State Constitution and the California Penal Code. Even though he personally supports homosexual ‘marriage,’ he is sworn to do his duty. Bill Lockyer must look in the mirror and tell himself that failure to enforce the law is not an option,” continued Thomasson.

Thomasson and the Campaign for California Families will appear in the San Francisco court, March 29, to charge Mayor Gavin Newsom and County Clerk Nancy Alfaro for continually issuing licenses.