CCOWE Promotes First Ever English Track to Chinese Churches in U.S.

It is now four months away from the 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE) in Macau, the first ever English Track is being strongly promoted among Chinese Churches in the U.S.

It is now four months away from the 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE) in Macau, the first ever English Track is being strongly promoted among Chinese Churches in the U.S.

Chinese Coordination Center of World Evangelism (CCCOWE) USA has spearheaded the promotion campaign as most of the participants for the English Track this time are expected to mainly come from the U.S. A series of invitation letters have already sent to the English pastor of all Chinese churches, according to an official at the CCCOWE USA.

In the latest letter for March, both English version and Chinese version are available. Undersigned by the general secretary of CCCOWE USA Rev. David Chi, chairman and vice-chairman of English Track CCOWE ‘06 Rev. Paul Wang and Rev. Ying Yee, advisor of English Track CCOWE ’06 Rev. Wayland Wong and other leaders, it declares the vision cast by the English Task Force (EFT) for CCCOW ’06, "To raise up a new generation of English-speaking leaders in the Chinese Church who will develop inter-generational partnerships to bring the Gospel to our society and to the nations."

In addition, English Track CCOWE ’06 also aims to provide an opportunity for future English-speaking leaders of worldwide Chinese churches to network among themselves, and to discuss together the useful resources to nurture new leaders, according to the letter.

The letter also highlighted the two world-class plenary session speakers, including Rick Warren from USA and Philip Jensen from Australia. There are another 16 English workshop topics and other international speakers.

The CCOWE ’06 will be held on July 17th- 21 in Macao and this is the first time ever in the last seven conferences that an English Track is prepared. In order to encourage more church leaders from the United States to join the conference, CCOWE has extended the Early Bird registration fee of $100 for the English Track up to the end of April.

The tentative workshops are divided into four streams reflecting the news and challenges of English ministry in the Chinese Church worldwide, namely "Leaders of Tomorrow," "Building Dynamic English Ministry," "Finishing Well," and "Mission Perspectives." There are a wide number of choices for the workshops as well.

"It is our hope that the CCOWE 2006 English Conference will be the start of a global movement that will see a new generation of men and women raised up for gospel ministry," concluded CCOWE.