Chinese Christians Express Opposition to Gay Tolerance Legislation

Toward the possible legislation on dissolving the social intolerance of homosexuals, the Chinese Christians and families have voiced their disagreement early on the matter.

Hong Kong - Toward the possible legislation on dissolving the social intolerance of homosexuals, the Chinese Christians and families have voiced their disagreement early on the matter according to The Standard.

The possibility of placing forth a legislation against homosexual social intolerance is distant, the only steps taken has been a telephone survey to be conducted in June on 2,000 people in regards to their opinions on homosexuality.

Already, more than 100 public groups have signed a petition against making such change to the law and nearly 2,000 people have sent letters to the Home Affairs Bureau and the Chief Executive¦s Office on their disapproval for such legislation to be put forth, reported by the Society for Truth and Light and the Sex Culture Society.