Chris Tomlin's Release "Arriving" September 21

Chris Tomlin, known for such worldwide-sung anthems as §Forever,¨ §Be Glorified,¨ §We Fall Down,¨ §Famous One¨ and more, will release his highly-anticipated sixsteps/Sparrow Records recording, Arriving, on Sept. 21.

The project marks Tomlin¦s third studio recording which features guitar-driven pop melodies recorded I his hometown, Austin, Texas. Through Tomlin¦s talents, his church which he co-founded expanded its growth by 500% in the last year-and-a-half.

§I feel as though we¦re like this landing strip in the desert for our great, incredible God to arrive on; a way for Him to come into people¦s lives,¨ Tomlin says of the album¦s metaphorical moniker inspired in part by Isaiah 40.

Out of the 11 featured songs, Tomlin composed 9 of them. Arriving features §Indescribable,¨ the first radio single from the project written by Laura Story. The hit single gained many slots on the top charts including R & R¦s AC chart and PDAdvisor¦s highest AC gainer. Producer Cash calls the song §one of the best songs I¦ve ever heard.¨

Tomlin says, §I instantly fell in love with it because of the grandness and otherness it paints of God. The expressions of God in the song are so big. In my head I heard this song being sung in an arena full of people screaming it to God.¨

Songs that Tomlin wrote for the album include §Holy is the Lord,¨ which was birthed in preparation for Passion¦s OneDay03, where 20,000 college students gathered on a ranch in Texas. §How Great is our God¨ is a song Tomlin identifies as the anchor to Arriving. §It¦s about the greatness of God and how there are anthems ringing throughout the world by his people and by the heavens praising His glory.¨

Already, crowds are responding to the anthem, as at a summer 2004 Willow Creek Arts Festival. §We¦ve never had this kind of response to a song. People won¦t let it end. They just keep singing. I had no idea this simple chorus could turn into something this big,¨ Tomlin says, amazed.

§I am so excited about what¦s going on!¨ he continues. §I pray that people will know more and hunger more after God because of these songs. People are changed because of God arriving in their lives. Grace changes people into people with hope.¨