Christian Churches Continue To Thrive In Hindu Heartland

A mission team in India across the parts of Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh saw how gospel spread in the Hindu-dominated land as new churches and small fellowships continue to thrive.

The team saw many people accepted Jesus Christ and how they strengthen their faith. The leader said, "people possessed of demons were set free and some sick received their healing. One girl was miraculously delivered from the clutches of demons. The evil spirits had overpowered her for quite some time, but after we rebuked the spirits in the name of Jesus, she was instantly set free. Many villagers received the gospel with joy and are now ready for baptism."

The team was able to have a gospel meeting and many asked for prayer. Over 50 people gathered on the meeting.

The leader told about an influential village leader who was paralyzed. "He was touched by the Lord and now is offering his property for the Lord's work."

The team next traveled to the Lucknow region where on two successive days they conducted inauguration services for new church buildings in two locations.

"Please pray for our brothers and sisters in the field," the leader requested. "Many are living under threats to their lives. One missionary and his coworkers are facing persecution daily. Another worker and a new believer were badly beaten and false charges filed against them in court."

Yet in another area, a retired Christian worker with the federal government, believes opponents of the gospel dare not come against him because of his respected position. His son is a lawyer with the High Court. He even built a school in the community and erected a big cross over it so it can be seen from afar.

By Y.Hilado, ChToday Philippines