Christian Coalition Assembles Rally to Protect Georgia

"If Georgia’s Christians were as zealous for the cause of Christ as Georgia Equality is zealous for what they have falsely termed equal rights, Georgia would be the most God-honoring, righteous state

The pro-family Christian Coalition began mobilizing hundreds of Christians to rally at the Capitol March 1, in support of a constitutional amendment that would protect traditional marriage and family values in the midst of a rising tide of pro-gay activism across the States.

The Christian Coalition will stand against the rally of “Georgia Equality” – a homosexual activist organization in the state that plans also to march to the Capitol as a means to garner support against the crucial amendment.

The actions of both groups followed a Feb. 26 decision by the Georgia House, in which representatives voted 117-50 for the preservation of the traditional definition of marriage. However, the vote fell slightly short of the two thirds majority, or 120 votes, to pass. Nonetheless, since twelve members of the House were not present for the vote, pro-family groups are hopeful for a reconsideration for the amenment as soon as March 1.

Among the speakers to the rally are Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and Tony Dickerson, president of the Georgia Baptist Convention.

“Baptists are planning to do their part to stand up for the family and the biblical worldview they hold dear,” said Gerald Harris, editor of The Christian Index newspaper.

"If Georgia’s Christians were as zealous for the cause of Christ as Georgia Equality is zealous for what they have falsely termed equal rights, Georgia would be the most God-honoring, righteous state in the union,” Harris said. “If, we, the people of God don’t win this battle, the entire landscape of our culture will be eroded by perversion and shame.”

Churches and associations across the state are planning busloads and carloads of people to the rally. For more information on the noon rally, please visit the Christian Coalition website at