Christian Drama Team Illustrates Easter's Story in Asia Evangelistic Tour

A Vancouver-based Christian Chinese Christian music ministry performs the Easter’s story to remind Christians of Jesus’ death and resurrection in its recent Asia evangelistic tour.

A Vancouver-based Christian Chinese Christian music ministry performs the Easter’s story to remind Christians of Jesus’ death and resurrection in its recent Asia evangelistic tour.

The team of Grace Melodia is now touring in Hong Kong from April 13-16. With the theme "Unending Story," it has also visited Sydney from April 6-8. 30 people from Vancouver, Hong Kong and Sydney perform in the musical drama "Unending Story" that features how the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and his resurrection has changed in the people around, such as Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ disciples, Roman soldiers and Barabbas.

There is no such a role playing Jesus in the drama, however, the heart of the audience can be still closely related to suffering of Christ Jesus and the hope of his resurrection. There are a total of 9 scenes and 9 original sound tracks.

"Unending Story" was first showed in Vancouver in 2000 at the Vancouver Mennonite Church. In the past three years, it has drawn Chinese audience from Toronto, Seattle, San Francisco, Hong Kong and other cities in its world tour. In Hong Kong, it has once received 8,000 attendants in four days.