Christians in Palestine

Many are urging Israel to accept the United States "roadmap for peace" which calls for the creation of a Palestinian state and other concessions. Voice of the Martyrs' Gary Lane says they're concerned for Christians in these Palestinian areas. "If the Palestinians are eventually to have a state, what kind of state is it going to be? Will they continue to persecute Christians as they are now, or may that even intensify? They have told me that their lives have been threatened. Some of them have been called in by the Palestinian Authority police. They've been tortured and beaten." Lane says many Muslims are turning to Christ in Palestinian held areas. He says the United States should do everything possible to encourage religious freedom. "Let's push the Palestinian Authority - any agreement - if they end up with a state - we need to insist that their constitution guarantees religious freedom and if there's any violations of that, then severe penalties for those who are persecuting the Christians."

By Pauline J.