COCM Reaches Out to Chinese Christians in Europe through Summer Programs

The Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) based in the United Kingdom has lanuched special project to reach out to Chinese in Europe this summer, according to the latest newsletter.

The Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) based in the United Kingdom has lanuched special project to reach out to Chinese in Europe this summer, according to the latest newsletter.

In late July, COCM has sponsored the 25th anniversary of the Joint Summer Conference of the Scandinavian Chinese Christian Churches in Sweden. It has attracted over 380 Christians of all ages from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Guest speaker Rev. Wally Yew from USA was invited for the adult section. The teens and young adults section, on the other hand, was co-organized by a short-term mission (STM) team from Virginia Beach, USA and a team from Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) in Glasgow, Scotland. 10 new souls have committed themselves to Christ in baptism during the conference.

During this summer, the COCM mission center has been also fully utilized for Chinese Christian mission. 50 young people attended the "Essential" conference with the help of a STM team from Los Angeles. An annual Gospel Camp for teens and youth was held in Pioneer Center, mid-England on August 5-8 as well. A team from Canada has even led a weekend "Young Adults Conference" at the COCM center.

The COCM Director Mary Wang commented that all these events held for the young Chinese Christians will help to fulfil the organization's long-term vision of "Reaching the Chinese to Reach Europe".

Alongside with the different kinds of conferences that will envision the new generation, a Summer Bible School was also offered on August 1-13 for young people to study the word of God intensively.

COCM is an inter-denominational mission with the objectives of bringing the gospel to the Chinese scattered over Europe through pioneering evangelism, church planting, training and literature work. With the vision "where there are Chinese, may Christ be there also", the UK-based group also desires to "reach the Chinese to reach Europe".

COCM was founded by the late Pastor Stephen Wang in 1950 when the Chinese Church in London was first established. Church planting was an integral part of the early ministry. Pioneer workers are usually students around the UK. As the group at the pioneered place becomes bigger, COCM would assist the group in establishing a constitution and helping them to become churches. The work of COCM in Europe has been growing over the years.