Compassion International Sponsors 500,000 Children

Compassion International began a program to help 500,000 children who are facing international problems such as the possible war in Iraq, HIV/Aids and Africa, and poverty. Compassion's President, Wess Stafford says helping in this way is Biblical. "Of all the ways Jesus could have described what he expects of us living in a hurting world, he chose the story of the Good Samaritan. He found the man hurting, and took him to a safe place, and said to the innkeeper, 'You take care of him, but send me the bill'. And, essentially that's exactly what Compassion is doing for nearly a half a million children, right now." The 28 dollars given to local churches help share Christ too, says Stafford. "What we've done for 50-years is enable the church to be salt and light in the lives of a hurting community. And then, having earned the privilege and credibility, to speak the Gospel. This year alone, 61,000 of our children have made first-time decisions for Christ.".

By Pauline C.