CRM Plans to Release Two Translated Books in Burmese and Mongolian

As the mission in Myanmar and Mongolia is expanding, local staffmembers of the Christian Renewal Ministries are busy translating discipleship training materials.

As the mission in Myanmar and Mongolia is expanding, local staffmembers of the Christian Renewal Ministries are busy translating discipleship training materials into their native languages.

The ongoing translation is focusing on two books published by CRM, "The Abundant Life" and "The Bridge of Life." These two books are intended for new Christians. By explaining the Gospel with a lot of illustrations, they aim to strengthen the faith of beginners. CRM staff in Myanmar are currently working on translations for "The Bridge of Life" into Burmese, while the the staff in Mongolia are translating both books into Mongolian.

Mrs. Lee, co-founder and CRM co-leader with her husband Rev. Ting W. Lee, expressed hopes in see these translations push forward local mission in North Myanmar and Mongolia.

Once finished,she added, these two books will not only be used by CRM mission teams, but also be be used to help other mission groups on long-term or short-term missions. In addition, the native missionaries, she says, will have a much better tool to save their own people.

Founded in 1971, CRM's vision is to spread God's word and the good news of the gospel through its publications and discipleship training program. In 1992, CRM initiated overseas mission efforts beginning in Singapore. According to Mrs. Lee, they now have twenty-eight staffmembers in Myanmar and three in Mongolia, of which include Chinese and natives.

The translated versions of "The Abundant Life" and "The Bridge of Life" is expected to be completed by March, and will hopefully be published in August.

CRM also plans to make Gospel tracts in local languages, as well as to translate more books in accordance to the needs of missions.