Don't cancel Christmas, warns ACDP

The African Christian Democratic Party on Wednesday warned government of the grave consequences of taking Christmas and Good Friday off the country's public holiday calendar.

ACDP leader Kenneth Meshoe told MPs during the president's Budget debate in the National Assembly his party was aware of the debate on whether these religious holidays should continue as public holidays.

Those who were calling for the change were misguided and going against the wishes of the majority of South African voters.

"May I warn this House that any attempt by government to remove Christmas and Good Friday from our calendar will be political suicide for the ANC," he said.

Meshoe said the government had, despite the wishes of the majority, got away with legalising abortion on demand, and had again ignored the majority when they abolished capital punishment.

"If they again ignore what the majority of our people say about the two mentioned public holidays, then they will not get away with their arrogance this time around.

"Anyone who tries to remove the memory of Christ from the South Africa calendar and history, is making a very costly mistake," he warned.

By sarah park