ELCA Launches Site to Support Lay Ministers

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America launched a new website to assist the church’s lay ministers, the ELCA news announced May 27. The site, supported by the ELCA Department for Synodical Relations and the Division for Ministry, will post the resumes of lay ministers seeking placement and the job openings in the ELCA to mix and match the “well-trained ministry specialists” in the church.

"This site is dedicated to greater national availability for rostered lay leaders in the ELCA," the site’s homepage posted.

According to the Rev. Richard J. Brfuesehoff, director for leadership support, ELCA Division for Ministry, “Rostered lay persons are specialists in education, youth ministry, music, administration, counseling, spiritual formation, evangelism and volunteer coordination. They may work as parish nurses, in campus ministry, community organizing or senior ministries.”

“How we can make congregations, institutions and agencies aware of these talented people, who also have the theological training that the church expects of its leaders?" Bruesehoff asked. "How do rostered lay leaders know which congregations, institutions and agencies of the ELCA are seeking to call people who have their training and expertise?"

"People and Places Online is designed to bring these institutions and individuals together," he said.

The ELCA maintains a roster of ordained and lay ministers in its 10,721 congregations. The people and places site can be found at: http://www.elca.org/peopleandplaces