“Elevate” Conference for Young Adults to be Simulcast to 2000 Churches

Over 2,000 churches across the nation will partake in the North American Mission Board-sponsored “Elevate” conferences for young adults in live time. The two conferences focus on the priority of reaching and equipping students and young adults aged 19-29.

The conferences are slated for Jan. 22-24 at Prestonwood Baptist Church in suburban Dallas and Feb. 19-21 at the Charlotte (N.C.) Convention Center. Gurest speakers include ABC news reporter Peggy Wehmeyer, author Josh McDowell, comedian Victoria Jackson and Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. According to the president of NAMB, Bob Reccord, some of the nation's most prominent leaders in business, entertainment and government will be featured throughout the conferences.

"It is the impact zone of life," Reccord said of the focus age group. "It is in that area that most of the time your mate, your mission, your ministry are determined. And so as a result, we are bringing together young men and women saying, 'Many of you are going to be [in] vocational missions and ministry, but many others are going to be called to the marketplace. And we want you to understand your call is just as important as the person who goes to the mission field or the person who goes to the pulpit.'"

The conference will be simulcast to 2000 churches across the country, and will feature a special screening of the upcoming film, “The Passion of Christ.” Also, radio talk show host Sean Hannity will be broadcasting live from the Charlotte conference.

For more information, visit www.elevate2004.com.