Europe Mission Report: Poland

Poland -- Church planters in Poland continue to work at establishing churches in a nation where most believe in God but few have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Bible League's Waldmar (vuhd-ihmar) Kurz, says most Poles believe good works are the key. "They are good church attenders and they feel that their relationship with God is good. They go to church and they think that they don't need God and so they are not really open to a relationship with Jesus Christ." Many local people don't understand church planters and some have been persecuted. The Bible League has 20 church planters and they're beginning to see results. "Through those people who have started the ministry about a year and a half ago about 145 people that have already accepted the Lord through their ministry. They have organized about 40 small Bible study groups and so I would just encourage our listeners to pray for those church planters because sometimes it is very difficult for them."

By Albert H. Lee