Jeremy Lin is the star NBA player who had a “Linsanity” craze that went global when he was the tour de force in helping the New York Knicks experience a winning turnaround in 2012. Not only is he a remarkable athlete, he is also unashamed to exercise his Christian faith wherever he goes, and no doubt doing so will lead to some divides down the middle. After all, America is slowly but surely ushering Christianity out of the window, where prayers are no longer able to be made publicly in certain areas, and schools as well as other public institutions will have to be as neutral as possible.
Still, we are more than happy that Jeremy himself continues to keep the flame of Christ burning in his life, and here is one of those moments where he bares his soul to the world, sharing his prayer requests so that the united body of Christ is able to come together regardless of nationality, denomination or economic background and stand together in the gap.
Hey everyone,
Praise God I'm working out again because I was getting out of shape very quickly haha. Let myself eat with no thought of health for a week and did plenty of damage at fast food restaurants but thankful to start training again.
Please pray for me and a few others who are visiting some non-profit organizations in Asia through One Day's Wages next week. I'm praying for an awesome trip where I expand my perspective/view on the world and find convictions from the Holy Spirit on where and with who to partner with for my foundation.
Also please continue to pray for me that I wouldn't feel like certain requests are too "small" for prayer. I think this is a wrong attitude but sometimes I feel like certain things or people I may never meet again don't need my prayer. I guess just prayer for a more compassionate heart that instinctively runs to pray for anything, anyone, anytime, anywhere.
For a young man of just 28, he has certainly exhibited a degree of maturity not only in this world, but also spiritually. After all, he hits the nail right on the head by stating that there are certainly no prayer requests which are too “small” to be brought forward to our Heavenly Father. Surely such an attitude can only spur him (and hopefully everyone else who reads this) to be able to move on to greater heights in the walk of faith.
More often than not, praying for a particular item, people group or nation in a sincere manner can only lead to one inevitable result: being the answer to such a prayer yourself. It is often the case when you read the biographies of the missionaries of yore, and God continues to operate in the same manner today. Practically speaking, checking out a church’s prayer meeting is the best method of getting a gauge on the spiritual heartbeat and health of the church, as opposed to attending its worship service. Also, if you noticed, a church that prays and pays for its missionaries tends to have a greater degree of interest in what happens on the field, as opposed to simply praying alone.
May Jeremy Lin continue to inspire the youths as he embarks on a trip to Asia, not only showing them that with God, all things are possible despite the surrounding environment looking as bleak as it can be. Perhaps praying for Lin might even move your heart to embark on a mission trip as your next family holiday, or fast alongside your Muslim friends and relatives in order to show them love this Ramadan?