Finding Peace

By Grace H.

Author: Charles F. Stanley

Peace overflows in one’s spirit when there is an understanding of purpose and place in life. In Finding Peace, best-selling author Charles Stanley shares with readers how they may come to experience true peace found within God’s holiness, which “passes all understanding.” During rocky and uncertain times, the one phrase “God, You are in control” has always lifted Dr. Charles Stanley into comfort of God’s secure arms.

Finding Peace guides the reader in taking the step towards eternal peace through the opening up of the heart and soul. It gives new insight on how to overcome bumps on the road to heaven; in managing everyday struggles such as regret, fear, and anxiety. Dr. Stanley’s approach is very simple, yet practical and touches a core part in our lives. Jennifer Poppleton gratefully shares, “My view on life has changed and things seem much simpler.” This is definitely a worthy buy.

Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers

Pub. Date: September 2003

Type: Hardback

ISBN: 0785272976

Price: $19.99