Finishers Forum: Providing Missions Opportunities Nationwide

Finishers Project, the missions group aimed at missionaries, will open two conferences to challenge 20 –30 year olds into exploring possibilities offered in the mission field.

The conferences, entitled “Finishers Forum” will be held on Feb. 607 in New England, and on March 12-13 in California. According to Nelson Malwitz with FP, the forums can answer eye-opening questions to the youthful generation.

"For the first time, a single, or a couple begin to think through what they might do in the second half of their life, and be intentional about how they might give their time talent and treasure back to the Lord,” said Malwitz.

FP also provides local churches tools to assist their adults in finding a place in God’s infantry. In addition, FP brings individuals to the "front door" of organizations that are looking for more people resources and provides a link with real opportunities in missions.

"The Lord asks us to pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into the harvest. The only action verb there is 'to pray'.” said Malwitz. “Pray earnestly that the Lord provide people to take the knowledge of the glory of the Lord around the earth."