LOS ANGELES, Ca – More than 50 lay leaders and clergy from the gathered for the first Korean Igniting Ministry training, Feb. 2, at the Wilshire United Methodist Church in Los Angeles.
"It was a rewarding experience to have attended the Igniting Ministry presentation," said Richard Kim, a member of the Glendale Korean United Methodist Church and the Pasadena District Team in the California-Pacific Annual Conference.
Television and newspaper advertisements, developed in Korean informed the Korean American United Methodist churches in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York of the upcoming event.
"Whenever I watch TV advertising for the United Methodist Church in Korean by Korean Television Network, I am proud of and feel connected with my denomination," said the Rev. Woong-Min Kim, pastor of Wilshire United Methodist Church and chairperson of the Korean caucus in the California-Pacific Annual Conference. "I appreciate United Methodist Communications for this meaningful and great project."
The conference focused on the future direction of Korean Ministries; 2003 marks the centennial anniversary of the Korean American immigration and the Korean American Methodist Church.
"The training was wonderful and a graceful shock to me and church members," said the Rev. Young Han Kang of the First Korean United Methodist Church of Mid-City, Calif. "It reminded us of our responsibility for evangelism and welcoming with fresh ideas." He said he wished more Korean churches had been at the training.
"This was too short. Why don’t you plan a two- or three-day retreat for this training?" asked the Rev. Jin Mo Koo of Garden Grove (Calif.) First Korean United Methodist Church. "I believe that it will help a lot of Korean churches."
The event, sponsored by the United Methodist Council on Korean American Ministries, was the first of four Korean Igniting Ministry conferences scheduled for 2003. Additional training events are scheduled for early March in New York and New Jersey, and in mid-May in Chicago.
By Paulina C.