The Fourth Lausanne World Evangelization Congress, also known as the 2024 Seoul Congress, will take place from September 22 to 28, 2024, in Seoul, Korea. This global gathering aims to accelerate collaborative action to fulfill Jesus' Great Commission, making disciples of all nations.
Challenges Faced
Despite Jesus' command in Matthew 28:19-20 to "go and make disciples of all nations," the proportion of Christians in the global population has remained relatively stable over the past 100 years, hovering around 30%. Many people still have not heard the gospel and lack Christian witnesses. Some areas and communities are without churches that can make disciples. Furthermore, many churches and workplace ministries need Christ-like leaders to meet contemporary needs, and society at large urgently needs the influence of God's kingdom.
Congress Objectives
The Lausanne Movement strives to promote global mission with the following goals in every area of human activity, including family, workplace, local communities, and society as a whole:
- Everyone hearing the gospel;
- Every church and sector having Christ-like leaders;
- Every people group and region having disciple-making churches;
- Every societal sphere influenced by the kingdom of God.
Ongoing Listening and Action
To this end, the Lausanne Movement leadership decided four years ago to convene the Fourth Global Congress and initiate a multi-year process leading up to and continuing beyond the Congress. Over the past three years, the Lausanne Movement has conducted a global listening call, inviting diverse groups to answer five key questions to identify major gaps and opportunities in the process of fulfilling the Great Commission. A team of over 100 researchers worldwide is preparing the "State of the Great Commission Report," which will be released before the Congress to help participants understand the current state and future trends of global mission.
Gathering and Collaboration
The 2024 Seoul Congress will be the culmination of this multi-year listening process and will serve as a catalyst for collaborative action. The Congress will bring together 5,000 in-person attendees and 5,000 online participants, making it a once-in-a-generation gathering of mission influencers from most countries around the world. Participants will include both younger and older generations, representing various sectors, including workplace, church, and mission-related professions.
During the Congress, attendees will witness how God is working globally through plenary sessions, table group interactions, and various breakout sessions. They will collaborate to address the most urgent needs and strategic opportunities. Lausanne leaders expect this gathering to inspire new ideas, forge new partnerships, and launch new collaborative action teams.
Message to the Global Church: Learning, Sharing Resources, Proclaiming, and Displaying Christ Together
"The apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12 that the body of Christ is made up of many parts, each needing the others. Through such a global gathering, the body of Christ can learn from each other, share resources, and together proclaim and display Christ." The 2024 Seoul Congress will be a significant opportunity for the global church to proclaim Christ and display His glory. The global church is invited to participate in this journey of Lausanne 4, accelerating the fulfillment of Jesus' Great Commission together.
Background Information on the Lausanne Congress
The Lausanne World Evangelization Congress is a global Christian conference aimed at promoting world mission and global gospel proclamation. Here is some background information on the Lausanne Congress:
Origins and History
First Lausanne Congress (1974): Held in Lausanne, Switzerland, initiated by Christian leaders such as Billy Graham and John Stott. The Congress produced the Lausanne Covenant, a declaration on evangelical mission emphasizing the common mission of global Christians.
Second Lausanne Congress (1989): Held in Manila, Philippines, building on the themes of the first Congress, and issued the Manila Manifesto, stressing the importance of world mission.
Third Lausanne Congress (2010): Held in Cape Town, South Africa, attracting over 4,000 delegates from more than 200 countries. The Congress issued the Cape Town Commitment, calling for greater cooperation and unity in evangelical mission.
Impact and Significance
The Lausanne Congress is considered one of the most important Christian conferences of the 20th and 21st centuries, having a profound impact on global evangelical mission. Through the Congress, Christian leaders share experiences, build connections, and jointly explore how to better fulfill Jesus' Great Commission.
This information is edited from the official website of the Fourth Lausanne World Evangelization Congress (also known as the 2024 Seoul Congress). Click here to access.