Friar Pang Comments on New Pope in Dallas

By Daniel Chan

Friar Paul P. Pang from the Mission of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, A Chinese Catholic church located in Dallas, Texas, spoke in the Chinese Activities Center in memory of the former pope John Paul II and also introducing the newly installed pope Benedic XVI.

During his speech, Friar Pang first mentioned about the passed away John Paul II. In the past when he was appointed into Holy See as the Director of the Office for Worldwide Overseas Chinese Apostolate, he had numerous opportunities to meet the pope in person, and he expressed rememberance for the pope in this loss.

Regarding the new pope Benedic XVI, Friar Pang noted, "Benedict XVI was a close assistant to the former pope, and he has also taken leadership roles in many clergical works. During the funeral of the former pope, and the thanksgiving tribute before the election, he preached twice and they showed the reverance that he receives and his opinions.

Friar Pang mentioned that the new pope also gave directives to the future of the Roman Catholic church: first is to continue the works of the former pope John Paul II, and second is to inherit the former pope's ethics and the disapproval to secularization of faith and challenging against such happening, lastly to restore the image of the Roman Catholic church

Friar Pang said, "I served in the Holy See for over 26 years and worked with the pope as directors for some time and were able to meet numerously. (The pope then served as the Director of the Faith and Ethics Department) Being in touch with the pope, I was able to feel that he is a very kind and humble person, listens to others patiently, and is humorous and respect others. This is very different from his judgment and his method of upholding the church dogma."

He also predicted that the celebration of World Youth Day in Koln at August this year would probably be the first tour of the new pope.