Greek Orthodox Archdiocese E-Bulletin, January 24, 2003

This is the weekly GOA E-Bulletin, a service providing you with links to important Orthodox news, information, and resources on the Internet.

Just click on the links below to go to the topics of interest to you.

CHARTER TEXT AND COMMENTARY: The text of the new Charter granted by the Ecumenical Patriarchate along with an explanatory commentary is available on-line:


THREE HIERARCHS FEAST AND GREEK LETTERS: In celebration of the Feast of the Three Hierarchs (Jan. 30) and Greek Letters Day read the Archbishop's Encyclical:


IONIAN VILLAGE PREPARING FOR SUMMER: Summer is months away, but Ionian Village is preparing for an exciting program. Find all the information on their new web site.


SUMMER CAMP: Find contact information on the Summer Youth Camping Programs held throughout the Archdiocese, provided by the Office of Camping Ministries. Plan now for your youth to participate in a camp in your area.


NATIONAL ORTHODOX RADIO PROGRAM: "Come Receive the Light" Radio Broadcast for 01/25/03 will feature Fr. John Mack discussing his new book Journey to the Kingdom Reflections on the Sunday Gospels. "Frederica Now" will feature "Culture of Birth". For more information, to subscribe to the CRTL e-newsletter, or to find the time of the broadcast in your area:


NEW INTERFAITH MARRIAGE WEB SITE: The Interfaith Marriage web site has been greatly enhanced with new resources and will continue to be updated. Visit the new site for guidance, ministry, questions and answers, and numerous links.


2003 GOA YEARBOOK ON-LINE: The 2003 Yearbook of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America can now be downloaded from the Archdiocesan web site.


By Albert H. Lee