Group: 61 Babies in China Forcefully Aborted Within 24 Hours

Dozens of pregnant women in a south China province were allegedly injected with drugs by the Chinese government recently to end the lives of their unborn babies in accordance with the country’s one-ch

Dozens of pregnant women in a south China province were allegedly injected with drugs by the Chinese government recently to end the lives of their unborn babies in accordance with the country’s one-child policy.

Within a 24-hour period, at least 61 pregnant women who did not want an abortion were left childless after the massive forced abortion campaign in southern China's Guangxi Autonomous Region, which borders the South China Sea, according to China Aid Association.

Family Planning officials reportedly transported more than 20 women Wednesday to the Youjiang District People’s Hospital, where about ten of the women were forcibly injected with abortion drugs within half an hour.

However, not all the women lost their second child. It was the first child for Ms. He Caigan at bed number 37, according to CAA. The mother-to-be was reportedly nine months pregnant at the time the Family Planning officials took her to the hospital. They injected her baby’s head with drugs and 20 minutes later the baby stopped moving and died, CAA reported. She was not allowed to have a child ,according to Family Planning officials, because she did not have a marriage certificate, reported Bob Fu, founder and president of CAA, who interviewed her.

Fu, who has been jailed and beaten for his involvement in house churches when he lived in China, was commended recently by President Bush in a personal letter for his “good work” and “extraordinary acts of service” on religious freedom in China last month.

According to the CAA president, forced abortion is not only isolated to the region of Guangxi but is widespread throughout China with some areas being stricter than others.

The one-child policy officially took effect on Sept. 1, 2002 when the central Chinese government stringently held local officials accountable for the birth control policy.

Despite the fact that the one-child policy only officially took effect a few years ago, Fu recalled to The Christian Post on Friday how the policy affected his own family even as far back as 15 years ago. He said that his sister-in-law had accidentally become pregnant with a second child and had to run away to escape forced abortion. Officials had wrapped his brother in a blanket, taken him away to be arrested and beaten for having more than one child.

Yet surprisingly the policy has not been ill-received by all Chinese. There has been mixed reaction with the one-child policy campaign being “pretty successful” among intellectuals in the city who agree with the idea that if people want to live a better lives then they shouldn’t have more than one child, among other reasons given by its proponents.

But in the rural areas and especially among the Christian community, which believe in the value of protecting life, many have resisted the policy and would rather be arrested than carry out the practice.

Support has flooded in to help fight China’s one-policy law with the hospital’s phone being inundated with calls of complaint regarding the policy since the report was issued. Reportedly, many public security officials have surrounded the section of the hospital where these women are being held.