Hong Kong Unites with the World Through Prayers

Preparation for the World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer 2004 will be celebrated on 13 March in Hong Kong. The theme will be “In Faith, Women Shape the Future”. Prior to the formal worship service in March, the Hong Kong Christian Council will hold a promotional meeting on 10 January at China Congregational Church. The promotional meeting aims to raise the awareness of Hong Kong Christian to the World Day of Prayer (WDP) as well as recruiting choir and volunteers for the event.

Tracing back to the history of WDP in Hong Kong, this is already the 64th year of participation since YMCA first initiated this ecumenical movement in 1940. In 1961, the Hong Kong Christian Council formally took over the ministry of WDP. A bilingual joint committee was established and responsible for organizing the worship service every year.

Following the steps of Jesus Christ, Christian communities of different cultures and traditions have been expanding greatly in every place around the world. Recognizing the importance of prayer, the world prepares to pray together as a symbol of unity under one Christ.

Through the joint WDP ministry, Hong Kong strives to support the global mission in the front.