Scribbling in the Sand Named One of the Best in 2002

Scribbling in the Sand: Christ and Creativity, written by Michael Card and published by InterVarsity Press, has been named one of the "Best Religion Books of 2002" by Publishers Weekly.

"Scribbling in the Sand" by Michael Card was named one of the "Best Religion Books of 2002" by Publishers Weekly. Published by Intervarsity Press in July 2002, "Scribbling in the Sand" explores the biblical foundations of true Christian creativity.

Michael Card asserts that the understanding of God leads to the lifestyle of humility, obedience, and serving.

"Scribbling in the Sand is a journal of my creative journey for the last 20 years," says Card. "As I reflected back I realized that journey was one in which, though I often felt otherwise, I was never alone. It was a journey with Jesus Christ. I ultimately hope that everyone who reads the book will sense a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what He means. It is, after all, a book about Jesus."

Intervasity Press celebrates the selection of "Scribbling in the Sand" as the first recognition the publisher had received by Publishers Weekly. Michael Card has signed on for a second book with InterVarsity Press, titled A Fragile Stone, to be released in July 2003.

By Pauline J.