Haiti -- We begin today in Haiti where many Haitians are fleeing their country by boat because of the lack of food and a poor economy. They're hoping for a better future in the United States, provided they make it. For Haiti with Love's Don DeHart says the people have lost hope. "People are saying we might as well die on a boat trying to get some place than to stay here knowing we're going to die. So it's a gamble. And, if they make it, they've won. I realize they're in detention and many of them will be sent back. Economically it's just impossible to survive in Haiti without jobs and without money." The food is available, but isn't affordable. DeHart says their feeding program opens doors to share the Gospel, but funding is needed. "If they can help us financially (it can) maybe increase our program of physical support so that we can spiritually feed them and bring them to the Messiah in a way that will maybe change the whole country."
Nepal -- Next, we get an update on a missionary in Nepal who's serving a 20-year prison sentence for a crime he didn't commit. According to Gospel For Asia Manja Tamang is appealing his murder conviction to the Supreme Court. Last week's hearing before the high court was postponed and rescheduled for this Thursday. Agency officials say while this appears to be a setback, it does give Christians around the world more time to pray. Since being imprisoned, he's led at least four inmates to Christ.
Romania -- Meanwhile, in Romania a ministry to children infected with HIV/AIDS is having an impact on both children and their parents. Greater Europe Mission's Andy LeBreche works in Timisoara, Romania and says just after the revolution funding to hospitals dried up. "Because of budget constraints they began to reuse needles and equipment - scalpels not sterilized well. And so, there was a whole slew of people about 10 years ago that all contracted HIV and of course now it's now full blown AIDS and a lot of people are dying from that." From that problem was born a ministry to HIV/AIDS patients, specifically children with the disease. LeBreche explains. "One of our Romanian colleagues, she has been granted access to two of the hospitals in towns that have AIDS wards. She teaches them Bible lessons, Bible verses, sings songs with them and shares the Gospel. And, in the past few months she's realized that she has a growing ministry to the parents. She has begun counseling with some of the parents and sharing the Gospel with them."
Indonesia -- And finally, New Tribes Mission is thanking the Lord for what's taking place in a tribal group in Indonesia. Officials say the Banyor people have been completely closed to the Gospel for many years. About five-thousand people live in 10 to 15 villages. However according to missionaries Semandang believers are helping teach evangelistic lessons in three Banyor villages. Pray that God will use this outreach to lead many people to Christ. Pray too that God would protect them as they minister.
By Albert H. Lee